How to search & replace all occurences in vim?
knowledge vimI always struggle to remember things that I don’t use often. Here is my
attempt to keep my knowledge somewhere else than in my head.
One of them is specific to vim.
How to search a specific string pattern inside a project and replace all its occurences easily.
Let’s start with the initial statement, I want to replace all the linux
occurences by OpenBSD
Find files that validate the pattern predicate
:vimgrep /linux/gj **/*
to search on all files recursivelyg
flag to search for all occurences in each linej
flag to avoid vim to jump automatically on the first occurence
Once the command ran, vim will populate the quickfix list with all the linux
occurences. To see the list, run :copen
Replace or subsitute all the linux occurences
Here comes vim’s super power, running a command for each line in the quickfix list.
:cfdo %s/linux/OpenBSD/gc | update
is the subsitute patterng
flag replaces all occurences in each linec
flag asks to confirm each subsitutionupdate
to make sure the file is saved before moving to the next one
For more information on those previous commands, you can try:
:help vimgrep
:help cfdo
All of these info are essentially copied from a stackexchange comment.