== sterchelen.net | learn technical stuff ==
Learn by sharing, share by learning

New blog


Here is my new blog with less features, no javascript, just pure html + css.

Why no javascript?

The current hype is to put a lot of features in javascript, to make things shiny (known as bloated web). Who cares?
Internet is here to find relevant information to improve yourself, to learn… do you have shiny things in a book? You have words, just words.

Sometimes it’s good to remember the pioneers, here is one of my favorite quote:

“Everything was small… and my heart sinks for Linux when I see the size of it. […] The manual page, which really used to be a manual page, is now a small volume, with a thousand options… We used to sit around in the Unix Room saying, ‘What can we throw out? Why is there this option?’ It’s often because there is some deficiency in the basic design — you didn’t really hit the right design point. Instead of adding an option, think about what was forcing you to add that option.” Doug MCIlroy

A place in the world

Basically, I just want to share the things I learn along my journey but also what makes me angry in the IT industry (I think this section will be called punching ball time).

Thx for reading. And learn, always!